Real Story

I Sell Real Estate To Women More Than Men- Adekunle Adewunmi

In a delightful Wittychat live session, we had the pleasure of diving into the world of real estate with none other than Adekunle Adewunmi, a seasoned estate man with fascinating insights. Adekunle, with his amiable personality, shared stories from his journey in real estate, the hurdles he overcame, and an intriguing trend he’s noticed: his real estate deals with women outnumber those with men. Let’s delve into the insights and watch the full stories shared by Adekunle.

The Beginning of a Journey

Adekunle’s foray into real estate wasn’t planned from the get-go. It was during his service year, a mandatory year of service in Nigeria for university graduates, that the seeds for his real estate career were sown. Out of a combination of curiosity and necessity, he ventured into the world of property sales. What started as a means to an end became a passion.

The Training Wheels

Before he could make his mark, Adekunle knew he needed to learn from the best. He sought out mentors in the real estate sector, individuals whose successes and failures provided invaluable lessons. This period of learning was not without its challenges—there was a steep learning curve, and the industry was fiercely competitive. However, it was these early experiences that equipped him with the skills and resilience needed to thrive.

The First Milestone

The sale of his first land is a story Adekunle recalls with a blend of pride. It was a test of everything he had learned, requiring him to employ innovative strategies and sheer persistence. This first transaction was more than just a sale; it was a confirmation that he had chosen the right path.

A Trend Emerges

One of the most fascinating revelations from Adekunle’s journey has been his clientele demographics. Over time, he noticed that women were not only interested in purchasing property but they were also making these investments more frequently than men. This trend sparked a curiosity in Adekunle, leading him to tailor his approach to better serve his predominantly female clientele.

Understanding the “Why”

Adekunle believes that the reasons behind this trend are multifaceted. From seeking financial independence to investing in the future of their families, women are increasingly viewing real estate as a viable and secure investment option. This insight has allowed Adekunle to not only meet but anticipate the needs and preferences of his clients.

In Conclusion

The live session with Adekunle was not just an exploration of his personal journey in real estate but also shed light on broader trends in the industry. His experiences underscore the importance of resilience, the willingness to learn, and the need to understand the unique needs of your clientele. From the challenges to the milestones, Adekunle’s story is a testament to the dynamic and evolving nature of real estate and the potential within everyone to make their mark.

Don’t forget to watch Adekunle’s video where he shares his full story.

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Tenny is a seasoned investment news blogger with a keen eye for market trends and financial insights. With a background in finance and a passion for staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of investments, Tenny delivers concise and informative updates to help readers navigate the complexities of the financial landscape cum real estate. Through meticulous research and a knack for breaking down complex topics, Tenny strives to empower investors with valuable information to make informed decisions in the dynamic realm of finance.

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