Real Story

How Trust Capital Paved Way for My First Land Sale WittyChat-Live

Have you ever stumbled into something unexpectedly, only to find it becomes your passion and pathway to success? That’s precisely the journey of Abayomi Onifade, a remarkable realtor based in Nigeria. In a our recent WittyChat Live session, Abayomi graciously shared his captivating story, from chance beginnings to becoming a co-founder of a prominent property tech company.

How it started

Abayomi’s journey into real estate wasn’t meticulously planned; it unfolded organically, propelled by a blend of serendipity and determination. He recounted how he initially ventured into the real estate sector without any grand aspirations, only to discover his knack for the industry’s intricacies and opportunities.

What stands out in Abayomi’s narrative is his resilience in the face of challenges. He candidly shared the highs and lows he encountered along the way, underscoring the importance of perseverance and adaptability in navigating the dynamic real estate landscape.

One pivotal moment Abayomi highlighted was his first successful sale—a milestone that wasn’t merely about closing a deal but was built on a foundation of trust capital. Trust, as he emphasized, is the cornerstone of real estate transactions, fostering enduring relationships and paving the way for future successes.

Abayomi’s journey serves as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring real estate professionals and entrepreneurs alike. His story reminds us that success often emerges from unexpected beginnings and that embracing opportunities with an open mind can lead to remarkable outcomes.

We’re privileged to have had the opportunity to delve into Abayomi’s journey during the WittyChat Live session. His insights, experiences, and unwavering commitment to excellence are a testament to the transformative power of passion and perseverance in the realm of real estate.

Call To Action

To delve deeper into Abayomi Onifade’s enriching conversation and glean valuable insights into the world of real estate, watch the full WittyChat Live session on our YouTube channel. Prepare to be inspired by a story that encapsulates the essence of resilience, trust, and the limitless possibilities that await those who dare to pursue their dreams.

Stay tuned for more captivating conversations and inspiring stories on eoreblog.com


Tenny is a seasoned investment news blogger with a keen eye for market trends and financial insights. With a background in finance and a passion for staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of investments, Tenny delivers concise and informative updates to help readers navigate the complexities of the financial landscape cum real estate. Through meticulous research and a knack for breaking down complex topics, Tenny strives to empower investors with valuable information to make informed decisions in the dynamic realm of finance.

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